How To Guides: Manage your event

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Manage Event
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Promo Codes
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Download Exports
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Disburse Funds
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Manage your Event

So you made your event...nice!

Now you are able to utilise our tools to tweak, make changes and track ticket sales once tickets are sold! Start by sharing your event to attendees:

  1. Log in and click on your account name
  2. Find your published event - if you've saved your event but not published, it will appear in the 'drafts' area
  3. Click 'Share' - this will copy your event URL ready to post in your Compass Newsfeed, an email or social media pages!

From here you can also Edit, Copy, View, Share and download Reports.

Management Tools
Breakdown of ticket sales
Manage Session
Email all ticket holders

Promotion Codes

Create a promotion code in CompassTix and assign it to your events! The promotion code box appears on every checkout page.

  1. Log in and click on your account name
  2. Go to 'promotion codes'
  3. Select 'add promotion code'
Create Promo Code

Download Exports

Need to download a list of your ticket buyers?

CompassTix has 2 exports available - the bookings export and the tickets export. The bookings export groups together all tickets that have been bought at once by a family or group of friends, where-as the tickets export has each ticket itemised separately.

You can use exports as running sheets to check off names as they enter an event, or if you're selling items/merchandise it can help keep track of who has collected their order. To access your exports:

  1. Go to manage events (published) and select your event
  2. Click 'manage session'
  3. Download bookings or tickets export

Exports are especially useful if you have custom questions on your event that ticket buyers answer upon checkout. When creating your questions you can choose whether the appear per booking or per ticket.

Bookings Export
Tickets Export

Refund/Cancel Tickets

You're able to refund or cancel a ticket by following these steps!

  1. Go to your event and select 'manage session'
  2. Search for the booking (you can search by the ticket buyer name, email or booking reference)
  3. Select 'manage' on the booking
  4. Select 'Cancel & Keep Fund' or 'Cancel & Refund'
  5. For 'Cancel & Refund' option, the 'refunded amount' will be reflected on the booking details

Tip: Both options make the ticket void and available for resale.

Refund vs. Keep Fund

Disburse Funds

If you're hosting a paid event, your ticket sale revenue will be collected in CompassTix until you disburse your funds to your bank account. There are a few quick and easy steps to set up your nominated bank account.

Link your bank account
Identity Verification
Request Funds
Tax invoices

Postpone your event

If you have to postpone or reschedule your event, make sure to let your attendees know first. Then, update your date and ticket sales. Finally, respond to refund requests from attendees who can't attend your new date.

Update Your dates
What if I need to cancel my event?